
Showing posts from April, 2018

Why I decided to blog again?

This is a screenshot from my Instagram account. "alligatorausarus" was my my blogger id many years ago. This comment is one of the reason why I'm back blogging. I had to hide the name, sorry. Okay I just checked my Instagram account and one of my friend followed her. Prolly they're friends? Idk. I hope to blog a lot like I did and I hope this blog doesn't make you yawn hahahaha! I have some content to blog. Not now. Soon insyaAllah! And to my previous readers, thank you for your acknowledgement. I'm nobody, just a normal person, not famous, but you guys was with me. I'm touched. <3

Dream Color

Yesterday, after I took some amount of petty cash at Maybank Sunway Giza, Mia and I went to Dream Color Sunway Giza outlet. She's been wanting to try it, so do I. Dah banyak kali nampak ads dia and nak pergi cari kedai dia selalu tak sempat so yes ada masa sikit ni kita singgah kejap hehe. I really like their pastel theme so soft so nice so fluffy so cosy! If only it's spring in Malaysia, that would be awesome! You can pay via Boost app! So nice I can drag my husband here and use his app hahaha! I didn't bother to ask them what kind of staff ID we can use there because I don't have one. Maybe you guys could ask them. And same, gotta drag my husband also and use his staff ID hahahaha! I'd like to have a sit and enjoy but I was on duty so I skip this. Comel okay! This is their current menu. There's 4 different series - Butterfly series, Cloud series, Fruit series, and tea series. Everything look so pretty!! The colours, the combination, the taste