First post GO!

First entry! After so many years. Okay honestly I've nothing to talk about hmm. Okay maybe I should google something and yes I found it. Randoms questions about me!

1. Let's start with who are you.
I'm Ally.

2. What are passionate about?
Tricky. But I'm passionate about baking. Cakes especially. Not those fancy cakes but really nice and simple cakes.

3. What song do you want to played at your funeral?
As a Muslim, nothing.

4. Who's your favorite comedian?
Not really into comedian but I enjoy Korean so this would be Yoo Jae Suk!

5. What are you insecure about?
My weight.

6. Tell us something the readers of your blog or listeners of your podcast don't know about you.
I'm 29 this year.

7. What are you afraid of?
I have acrophobia, thalassophobia, and bathophobia. Other than that, I'm afraid of anything happen to my family especially. My husband, my baby, my mom, my dad, my siblings, my cats.

8. What are you most looking forward to in the next 12 months?
Nothing much, really. Our baby would be 1 year plus by then.

9. Why did you start a blog/podcast?
My very first blog was all about my uni life basically.

10. What post/episode are you most proud of and why?
My previous one? I don't remember any actually. It was a syok sendiri kinda blog but I had fun nonetheless!

11. How is blogging/podcasting different from what you expected?
I was surprise that people actually read and follow me. Thank you so much guys!

12. What unique skill do you have?
Can't think of any but I'm great at making the fridge empty because everyone seems not to bother about it. I mean, eat the leftover, throw away the stale food. Haha!

13. What is your favorite book that doesn't relate to the topic you write about or discuss on your podcast?
None. But I remember I did write about few cookbooks.

14. Dog person or cat person?
Cat! In fact we have 6 cats at home.

15. What celebrity have you been told you look like?
I always get "You look very familiar!" but the Malaysian celebrity that people said I look close to is Ayu Raudhah, although I think we don't look the same. She's pretty okay.

16. What famous person have you met?
Okay this is the proudest moment of mine. I think I was 4. I think. I can't remember exactly because I think I didn't enter kindergarten yet. My late Tok Ma used to join the bazaar during Perhimpunan Agong UMNO at PWTC. She sells kain batik. At that moment, I was with Mama and Babah at some part inside PWTC. Then, Tun M (he was the PM that time) came and my parents told me to greet him. So went to him and salam his hands. Later that I know, that scene of me salam Tun M was on newspaper. But my parents didn't bother to cut that photo and now I want to find it to keep that memory because hello Tun M kot! Can I ask Arkib Negara for that? I don't even know what paper it was. Sad. But I remember I was wearing a red and white stripe dress and my hair was short, just above the shoulder. Anyone can help me regarding this? If I was 4, that year was 1993. Kalau tak kena cari tahun sebelum tu atau selepas tu. Dear Tun M, I hope you remember that girl. That's me!

17. Let's stretch those writing muscles. Write a Haiku summarizing your blog/podcast.
Can I skip this? I really not in the mood of thinking.

18. What random question would you add to this list and what's your answer?
Can't think of one. Sorry.

Okay that's that! I really need to think of a content if I want to run this blog again kan? 
