
Showing posts from March, 2018

First post GO!

First entry! After so many years. Okay honestly I've nothing to talk about hmm. Okay maybe I should google something and yes I found it. Randoms questions about me! 1. Let's start with who are you. I'm Ally. 2. What are passionate about? Tricky. But I'm passionate about baking. Cakes especially. Not those fancy cakes but really nice and simple cakes. 3. What song do you want to played at your funeral? As a Muslim, nothing. 4. Who's your favorite comedian? Not really into comedian but I enjoy Korean so this would be Yoo Jae Suk! 5. What are you insecure about? My weight. 6. Tell us something the readers of your blog or listeners of your podcast don't know about you. I'm 29 this year. 7. What are you afraid of? I have acrophobia, thalassophobia, and bathophobia. Other than that, I'm afraid of anything happen to my family especially. My husband, my baby, my mom, my dad, my siblings, my cats. 8. What are you most looking forward to in